Thursday, March 20, 2008

Shoes and a Yogi

The shoes did not work, so I had to send them back and re-order my old shoes, which is fine, except they come with pink accents. Gag! But, they will work and I use them.

As for hot and steamy yoga mentioned a few posts ago, I went yesterday. The studio is new so they have a great introductory rate for an unlimited week of classes for $20. I chose this option, just to see if I like it.

Well I did. I have to admit though, I have no balance whatsoever and I felt big and very clunky. Heck I can't even put my feet together and not fall down. All those years of singing training have taught me to stand differently and breath differently, it wasn't wrong, but different. I have also mention that there was a lady in the class who I am going to call "Noodle Lady" because she could do all the positions, like standing on one leg with the other leg kicked out and squating on on foot in tip toe with the other leg folded up around her lap. Ya, she's Noodle Lady, because she was that flexable!

As for the hot and steamy, it was warm, but it felt so good to work out in a room that was that warm. Of course I sweated like a little piggy, but it was ok. And when I came out of the room, I felt relaxed, limber and for the first time in a long time my plantar facitis foot and leg, the right, did not hurt! YAY!

Now, the trick is this convincing my DH to pay for the 5 week card next week. He thinks yoga is for hippies and that I should just rent a DVD, but I really like this....and I lost a pound doing it.


Natalie C. said...

Stopping by to say hi- I didn't know you had the plantar pain, too. It has slowed me down so much. Maybe I should share some stretches & exercises on my blog that have helped me a lot with that. (Maybe you're already doing them?!) But occasionally when I'm up for spin classes have been good to get the cardio without killing the feet! I enjoy yoga, though. Good for you to give it a try. It's a good mental thing, I find, too.

Mrs Andy said...

Please, put up the stretches you do for your platar pain, I am willing to try anything! I find though, if I remember to stretch our before I get out of bed in the morning, and if I really stretch before I walk and then thru out the day, I am in less pain.

Thanks for stopping by!