Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Week 1 Results

Here we are at the beginning of another week. I realize that today is Tuesday, but I had to facebook all day yesterday, ok? Not really. Gosh, sometimes I want to blow up facebook.

Anyway, last week, the first week of the new year on Weight Watchers (to be forever after referred to as WW) was good. It was good. I lost 2 pounds, there is also the issue of being able to wear my wedding ring again and I felt good about myself. I also did not go down the chocolate alley at the Piggly-Wiggly on Saturday night's grocery shopping.

I've also been tracking my blood pressure. I seem to be sitting right in the mid 130s for my top pressure and the mid 80s for the bottom pressure. It's sort of good. I need to be better. I will be as I become less of myself -- and that's what we should all strive for, to be less of ourselves, right?

Anyway, we literally are marching on. My baby son likes to watch the walking DVD. No, I mean he parks it right in front of the TV while Leslie Sanson is giving us a pep talk about walking. He won't watch cartoons or any of the garbage on nick-jr, but he'll watch and exercises DVD...weirdo!

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