Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Amazing belly fat diet, and a factiod

I'm not dead nor have I fallen off the WW wagon. I've just been taking a break from the daily grind of point counting, food portioning and keeping track of things. For the record however, I am maintaining my weight...yay me!

I did hear an interesting factoid the other day which I'd thought I'd share. I heard that for every one pound of weight you loose, it decreases the stress on your knees by four pounds. So for me, I've lost 35 pounds, multiply that by 4 and you get 140 pounds of pressure taken off my knees. I can honestly say that has been one of the most noticeable things about me this last year. My knees do not hurt anymore!

I also got some junk mail today advertising a new wonder diet! It's call the eat fat diet, or belly fat diet. According to the people selling this diet, the more mono-unsaturated fat you eat the more belly fat you will loose and fast. The made some outrageous claim of 7 inches off your waist and X number of pounds in 36 hours. Please.

When, oh when, will people stop falling for these types of things? Take Atkins for example. Sure you loose a ton of weight, but you don't keep it off once you go off Atkins, not to mention some of the harmful sideffects (diebetic askemia, constipation, kidney stones and lack of nutrients). The same will be true of this diet. It will give fast results, but once off the diet, the weight will come back.

This was my whole reasoning behind going to WW. I knew I needed to make lifestyle changes. I knew I needed to learn about food and portion sizes and nutrition. I have learned these things, they have become part of how I live and I am not even tempted by my old life.

Just moderating what you eat and how you eat will be more effective than any amazing diet that comes in the mail or that is advertised on TV.


Beth Blair said...

Thanks for this tip. I am trying to use the weight watcher formula with my eating... (portion control)... for the most part, it's working. I still have a long way to go and a lot more to do, but so far so good.

Rachel said...

Just stumbled on your profile, because of weight watchers, and read that you were a sardonic kind of gal like me. Just wanted to say 'Hey'.

Oh, we have some similar taste in music. Have you heard of MUSE? They'll rock your socks off!

Anonymous said...

It is true that eating fat (obviously not trans fat) in moderation can help you lose fat, but not in 36 hours....

BODA weight loss