Monday, May 18, 2009

The New Week Two.

So the new week one went mostly well. Although I have to say that starting over, and ridding the house of sweets is not the best idea the week of the monthly guest. I will get thru however.

We walked 5 out of 7 days last week. Saturday I did the hills in my neighborhood, which only adds a half mile onto the total distance I walk, but holycow! I have been feeling it for the last day or so. I am really out of shape, no really. It used to be that the hills wouldn't even wind me...ah, but that was life before baby.

The other problem I face is this, I start out the week really well, writing down what I eat, but it seems by Weds I'm lost and not doing that. I know that when I write things down I am sucessful. I need to just do it.

The other hurdle, or trouble that we've had to overcome is what to do about dogs in the neighborhood. I've been attacked and chased by dogs before, and it was scary, but not a big deal Almost 2 weeks ago a rotweiler attacked us and almost ate my son. The dog, according to his owners is 'very sweet and wouldn't hurt anyone.' Anyway, after a call to the dog catcher and a ticket, I've not seen the dog, in his yard or otherwise. Needless to say, it was one of the few times I've truly feared for my life, and the first I've feared for the life of my child -- I'm sure it won't be the last for that, but....

So, my DH came up with a good solution. I'm carrying a squirt bottle full of ammonia and water. I was hesitant to use pepper sray, as that gets all over everything and everyone. Ammonia is mostly harmless however and should do the trick. I can only hope that this incident was the last with a dog.

So, here's to the new week 2....write it down.

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