Thursday, September 10, 2009

Chicken's New Clothes

Found the scale. It was under the TV shelf in our room. DH put it under there so the baby wouldn't chew on it. But that's his favorite thing to chew on right now, so I don't care, if it gives me 5 mins to get dressed in peace. Chew away!

DH pumped up the stroller tires....oh, that was nice.

Down to 207#s this morning, again.

I think I've lost more inches than weight, which is totally ok, since the number on the scale is not my only measure of success. Yesterday I was pressed for time and needed a clean shirt quickly. I pulled out one of my medium shirts and it fit. It didn't fit three months ago. So, now I feel like I have a bunch of new clothes, but with out spending the money for new clothes.

And I seem to be winning the war on desire. I have not had a treat in two days, and I'm ok with that!

1 comment:


yay! keep up the good work!!!!!!!