Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Vay-cay Update

We've been on a little vay-cay for the last few days, so as you can imagine my food choices are limited. I've also eaten out more in the last week than I have the whole year.....VACATION! Remember when eating out used to be fun? Not so much anymore.

Anyway, we're also at a house with a full length mirror. OH THE SHOCK AND HORROR! No, I am not talking about stretch marks on my abdomen either, they're actually looking fairly good, all things considered. No, no, no, it's me. I'm fat and I'm tired of being fat. So, I guess the good feelings of being in a smaller size of fat pants are officially gone.

I really need to get back on program and really get serious about my weight. I have a mental wall though. How do I get past this? Any ideas? I really want to get down to my prepregnancy weight. Does anyone have a magic wand I can borrow? hehe.

Anyway, on this trip, I've made some decisions about my life and lifestyle. I'm going to be implementing them when I get home. I just hope I can find that mental push to make it happen.

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