Monday, January 26, 2009

Week 4 update

Today is the start of Week 4. I've lost 3 lbs. I knew it would be hard going back on WW with a newborn, but I didn't realize HOW hard. Most weekdays I don't get to excerceise, which makes me sad. However, I do try to take advantage of my DH being home on the weekend to get out and move.

The eating has been ok. I am still fighting some bad habits that re-emerged during pregnancy and am having to relearn how to self control. However, since I am still post partum and recovering from being pregnant and having a baby, I am not as militant with my food intake as I once was. I know I need nutrients to rebuild what was lost, so I don't feel bad if I have extra milk, or more fruit and veg in a day than my points allow. I figure if I need to eat more, make it count.

But, my sweet jogging stroller came. I can't wait till it warms up a bit more, then we are out of here on a daily basis, and I know excercise will be easier then.

1 comment:

Natalie C. said...

Congratulations on your baby! I know it's hard to not be able to exercise when you actually want to! Hopefully you can do a few little things to ease yourself back in. I am a recent convert to accepting small contributions toward my health, instead of feeling guilty when I can't have a lifestyle like a Biggest Loser contestant. :) Hug & enjoy that beautiful baby! :)