Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Starting Over is a Good Thing

Ohhhh Nelly!

It's not that I've not wanted to post here, I just have let it slide.

Anyway....back to the program.

I've started over and I'm in week 1 again. We went to visit the Grandmas in March and April, and it's impossible to even think about doing WW at their houses. Espeically, my parents house. Holy cow, we never, and I repeat NEVER had treats and stuff growing up. Mom would buy popsicles in the summer and that's about it. Now my parents have turned into Willy Wonka and Wife. At every turn, "Here have a candy, have some ice cream" AAA!

So I decided to start over. The weather is also really good now. We have been able to go out every day for the last 3 weeks. This week when I started keeping track of points again, I lost 2 lbs the first day. And now that my house is offically rid of all sweets, with the excpetion of a box of graham crackers and a jar of Nutella, I should be good. I hope.

Now, if we can just get the neighborhood dogs to leave us alone while we are out and about, life would be almost perfect.

1 comment:

d.fine09 said...

Welcome back! I have been hoping to osee you back at it. I am trying to stick with it too.(despite the lack of blogging!) Look forward to following along.